Moraga Garden Club
About Us
about us . . .

The idea for the Moraga Garden Club was germinated by several transplanted women around a kitchen table in 1970.
A non-profit organization, MGC has been a resource for all levels of garden enthusiasts ever since. Our focus is to create and maintain visual beauty throughout Moraga, to contribute to civic participation and conservation, and education.
Recognizing the serious and rapid decline of Monarch butterflies, the Moraga Garden Club spearheaded a new and important project in 2021,:
Working in tandem with and approval of the Town, the Garden Club built a Monarch Habitat and Demonstration Garden at Rancho Laguna Park in 2021. The Garden includes both milkweed and native deer-tolerant plants that are supportive of monarchs, as well as other pollinators. The Garden was funded by local foundations and social organizations and by private donors
In addition, MGC takes care of various areas of Town i.e. sections of the Commons, the Perennial Garden at the Hacienda de la Flores, a large triangle intersecting Rheem Blvd—now called Gateway Garden—and Moraga Rd, the Library urn and four others on Country Club Dr. We also provide monthly floral arrangements to the Library and decorate their Christmas Critter tree with handmade natural ornaments. In addition, we contribute to reforestation and Arbor Day.
Our monthly general meetings feature prominent speakers who are experts in gardening, flower arranging, composting, organic and edible landscaping, authors, photographers and more, Our themed Spring Luncheon fundraiser brings out the best in creativity and our Christmas Luncheon at Diablo Country Club— featuring a prominent floral designer—is always a super hit.
We promote and support McDonnell, Outdoor Supply Hardware and Orchard Nurseries.
General Meetings are held every third Thursday of the month excepting summer at the Holy Trinity Cultural Center on 1700 School Street at 9:30.They are free and open to the Public.
For further information contact the webmaster Linda Foley
Moraga Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible. Our federal tax identification number is 86-1162099. The mailing address is PO Box 6062, Moraga, CA 94570-6062.

See what we do. . .
Restoring historic urns in 2020:
Chair Julie Stagg, assisted by Master Gardener Jessica Fleming, Rena Munson, Jane Magnani, Penny Walwark and Town personnel

Developing a Perennial Garden at the historic Hacienda de las Flores—an ongoing project:
Team: Chair Rena Munson, Ute Kelley, Barbara Chow and Gisela Volkmer

click here for more photos
Redesigning Gateway Garden, a large central intersection in Town, an ongoing project:
in conjunction with Kiwanis and support of the Town. Chairs: Darlene Haffner and Jessica Fleming

Project for 2021
Moraga for Monarchs
For details and how you can be a contributor or volunteer:
Click the Butterfly
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2024-25 Programs
September 19 The Scented Herb Garden:The Surprising Fragrances of Herbal Flowers and Foliage
Rose Lovell, Owner of Morningsun Herb Farm
October 17 Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat in Your Own Backyard
Susan Pfau, Owner of Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop
November 21 The War on Weeds: Keeping it Green
Robyn Barker, Master Gardener
December 3 Holiday Floral Arrangements
Lassie Colebourne, Floral Designer
Program at Diablo Country Club followed by Holiday Luncheon
Advance reservations required
January 16 Don’t Snub the Shrub!!
Rebecca Sweet, Garden Designer & Owner of Harmony in the Garden
February 20 Coming Up Roses & Daffodils
Pamela Berstler, CEO G3 — Green Garden Group
March 20 Practical Steps to a Beautiful Firewise Garden
Steve Danziger & Hedwig Van Den Broeck, Master Gardeners
Steve Danziger is a member of the MOFO Board
April 17 Living and Dried Floral Wreaths
Jill Sowards, Creator of Violetear Studios
May 18 Garden Tours and Installation of New Officers (members only)
How to Join

To join:
Click on envelope below for down-loadable membership form.
Dues: are $70 annually.You will receive a roster and an electronic Newsletter.
You are welcome to be our guest twice at any one of our General Meetings, but expect you to join thereafter.
Barring Covid restrictions, we meet every third Thursday of the month, at the Holy Trinity Cultural Center at 1700 School Street in Moraga, September through May. These days, our Meetings are via Zoom.
We begin at 9:30 with refreshments.
Each Meeting features a speaker of note. The Meeting is free and open to the Public.
The Programs for the year are listed separately on this site.
We operate September through June, culminating with a tour of three of our members gardens and box luncheon.
Our Garden Study group meets throughout the year at a member's home. It is an informal, informative meeting of dirt gardeners who exchange information, successes and failures and enjoy some very good refreshments.
We engage in civic beautification of several areas in Moraga, including Rheem Triangle (Gateway Garden), and specific beds at the Commons, Library, and Hacienda de La Flores. Our latest Project is the Monarch Butterfly Habitat and Teaching Garden at Rancho Laguna Park.